Why Your Business Should Use Channel Letters

You might not know what channel letters are off the top of your head, but you’ve definitely seen them. Channel letters are the custom-made metal or plastic letters frequently used on exterior signage. They are often illuminated so they can be seen at night and from a distance. Channel letters have long been a superior choice for businesses who want to attract more customers and enhance their brand. If you are unsure about using channel letters, consider the following benefits that come with this popular type of signage.

A Cost-Effective Way To Market Your Business

One of the biggest benefits of channel letters is the fact that they are cost-effective. When you have channel letters on your building, you will be increasing brand recognition through repeat impressions. To get the same number of repeat impressions through traditional marketing media, you will have to pay a lot more.

All businesses are looking for ways to keep their costs down and channel letters are a relatively inexpensive one-time investment, especially when compared to radio and print advertising campaigns. Channel letters have a range of affordable options from simple, ready-made letters to custom-made LED designs.

Boosts Your Brand Image

Channel letters are more than just letters and words. They can communicate a company’s attitude, energy, and vision. They can help build your brand and expose it to the world. Consider the font of the channel letters you use. They can be friendly, inviting, playful, fancy, and so much more. Channel letters can easily be custom-fit to match your brand. Of course, it is important to note that major modifications will increase the cost of the signs. However, this cost will pay for itself over time from constant use.

Environmentally Friendly

All businesses have to consider how their operations will impact the environment and the signs that you use are no exception. Channel letters are one of the easiest ways to make your business more green. This is due to the fact that they use LED lights which are eco-friendly.

LED lights do not have any lead or mercury which is something that you may find in neon and fluorescent lights. They also use less energy which makes them cheaper to run and better for your business’s bottom line. The use of LED lights can also be helpful when you are applying for business permits because they are more environmentally friendly.

About Sign Nation

Sign Nation has been producing quality signs for more than 15 years. But we don’t just build signs, we design them as well. We have a wonderful creative team on staff that will work with you to make the perfect sign for your business. Contact us today to make your business stand out.

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